How Other Government Insurance Works with Medicare Drug Coverage

Federal Employee Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) –

for current and retired Federal employees and their family members.

If you join a Medicare drug plan, you can keep your FEHBP plan, and your plan will let you know who pays first.

Veterans Benefits

for veterans and people who served in the U.S. military.

You may be able to get prescription drug coverage through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) program. You may join a Medicare drug plan, but if you do, you can’t use both types of coverage for the same prescription.

TRICARE (Military Health Benefits) –

for active-duty service members, retirees, and their families.

Most people with TRICARE who are entitled to Part A must have Part B to keep TRICARE prescription drug benefits. If you have TRICARE, you aren’t required to join a Medicare drug plan. If you do, your Medicare drug plan pays first, and TRICARE pays second. If you join a Medicare Advantage Plan with prescription drug coverage, TRICARE won’t pay for your prescription drugs.
Indian Health Services –

for American Indian/Alaska Natives.

If you get prescription drugs through an Indian health pharmacy, you pay nothing and your coverage won’t be interrupted. Joining a Medicare drug plan may help your Indian health provider with costs, because the drug plan pays part of the cost of your prescriptions. Talk to your benefits coordinator – they can help you choose a plan that meets your needs and explain how Medicare works with your health care system.