PC-ACE Pro32 is a software program that enables electronic billing for both Medicare Part A and Part B claims in a HIPAA-compliant format. To provide the most up-to-date information within PC-ACE Pro32, the software program is updated quarterly. The most current upgrade, which is PC-ACE Pro32 version 2.20, was released on April 7, 2010. Please take time now to upgrade immediately.
The Importance of PC-ACE Pro32 Software Upgrades
Keeping your PC-ACE Pro32 program updated is very important for the following reasons:
• The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requires you to upgrade your software program within 90 days of availability.
• Procedure codes, diagnosis codes and modifier tables are updated to provide the most current information.
• Fewer errors will be received when entering claims, submitting files and receiving payment notifications.
• Data will convert from your previous version automatically. If an upgrade is missed, there may be additional steps needed to convert data or data may not be transferrable when attempting to upgrade from an older version.
To streamline the distribution process for software program upgrades, the PC-ACE Pro32 software program is available via an Internet download from our hidden Web page. This Internet download is available free of charge for all new and existing PC-ACE Pro32 customers.
Notification of the upgrade was sent to all customers that are signed up for the PC-ACE Pro32 electronic mailing list. If you are a PC-ACE Pro32 customer and have not signed up for the electronic mailing list, please
go to: http://www.highmarkmedicareservices.com/mailinglists.html to subscribe.
If upgrading via CD-ROM, there is a service fee of $25 for postage and handling for each quarterly update totaling $100 annually, billed annually. To save time and money for you and the Medicare program, we strongly encourage you to download this program via the Internet when enrolling or upgrading.