How to Prepare Materials for the Venipuncture Procedure

Venipuncture is the extraction or collection of blood from the vein of a person. The antecubital fossa at the bend of the arm is the ideal site of collection. Other sites are wrist and ankle veins.

It is a relatively painless procedure in the hands of a skilled phlebotomist. Preparing the materials needed is essential in the proper performance of the procedure. How and what are the materials needed for this procedure?

Step 1

Bring out all materials needed for the procedure; a vacutainer tube or a disposable syringe with needle, wet and dry cotton, 70 % isopropyl alcohol, a test tube (if vacutainer method is not used), test tube rack.

Step 2

Check the syringe with the needle on it by pulling and pushing the plunger. If the barrel gets stuck, slowly rotate while pulling simultaneously. If you could not pull and push the plunger, check the needle for clogs. If you remove the needle and it still refuses to move, discard it.

Step 3

Examine the needle for any factory defect like bent or crooked shaft and deformed bevel. If any of these is present it. Discard the needle. While examining the needle, do not expose it unnecessarily. Infectious agents would contaminate it. A second or two would do. Cover immediately. If the cap is transparent, you can examine it through the cap.

Step 4

Make sure the cotton the dry and wet are sterile. One main source of contamination is unsterile cotton. They should be in sterile separate containers.

Step 5

Arrange all materials in such a way that they are within arm’s reach of the phlebotomist but not too near the patient, especially if the patient is a child.


Prepare the material before you call in the patient. The patient will feel anxious looking at all the strange and unfamiliar objects before him.

Arrange the materials in the order that you will use them. Avoid cluttering your work area. This reflects unprofessionalism. Make sure you label your specimen right after collection.

Make sure your puncture-resistant sharps container is at hand. Ascertain what test to perform before preparing. Certain tests need special equipment and additional apparatus.

After collection, never recap needles but dispose of them immediately and properly in the sharps container.

The successful performance of the procedure begins with the first step – the preparation of materials. Prepare your materials properly and succeed in your venipuncture procedure.