Electronic Data Interchange

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires compliance with the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) standards. Providers should follow the HIPAA transaction and code set requirements as found in the National Electronic Data Interchange Transaction Set Implementation Guides. The following provides details from the Implementation Guides to accommodate NPI within the 837 and 835 EDI transactions. Failure to comply with the 837 standards will result in a rejection of the claim.

837 Health Care Claim Submissions

Segments/Data Elements
Billing Provider
Loop 2010aa
NPI:  NM108 = XX and NM109 = NPI
Tax ID: REF01 = EI and REF02 = Tax ID Legacy ID not mandated for use
Pay-To Provider
Loop 2010ab
NPI:  NM108 = XX and NM109 = NPI
Tax ID: REF01 = EI and REF02 = Tax ID Legacy ID not mandated for use
Referring Provider
Loop 2310a
NPI:  NM108 = XX and NM109 = NPI Tax ID not mandated for use
Legacy ID not mandated for use
Rendering Provider Name
Loop 2310b
NPI:  NM108 = XX and NM109 = NPI Tax ID not mandated for use
Legacy ID not mandated for use
Purchased Service Provider
Loop 2310c
NPI:  NM108 = XX and NM109 = NPI Tax ID not mandated for use
Legacy ID not mandated for use
Service Facility Location
Loop 2310d
NPI:  NM108 = XX and NM109 = NPI Tax ID not mandated for use
Legacy ID not mandated for use
Supervising Provider Name
Loop 2310e
NPI:  NM108 = XX and NM109 = NPI Tax ID not mandated for use
Legacy ID not mandated for use
Rendering Provider Name
Loop 2420a
NPI:  NM108 = XX and NM109 = NPI Tax ID not mandated for use
Legacy ID not mandated for use
Purchased Service Provider Name
Loop 2420b
NPI:  NM108 = XX and NM109 = NPI Tax ID not mandated for use
Legacy ID not mandated for use
Service Facility Location
Loop 2420c
NPI:  NM108 = XX and NM109 = NPI Tax ID not mandated for use
Legacy ID not mandated for use
Supervising Provider Name
Loop 2420d
NPI:  NM108 = XX and NM109 = NPI Tax ID not mandated for use
Legacy ID not mandated for use
Ordering Provider Name
Loop 2420e
NPI:  NM108 = XX and NM109 = NPI Tax ID not mandated for use
Legacy ID not mandated for use
Referring Provider Name
Loop 2420f
NPI:  NM108 = XX and NM109 = NPI Tax ID not mandated for use
Legacy ID not mandated for use