New Neoplasm Diagnosis Codes

The American Medical Association (AMA) added two new diagnosis codes to document neurofibromatosis (NF), a genetic disorder that causes tumors to grow primarily on nerve tissues, as well as, on bone and skin. There are now three specific types of neurofibromatosis:

1.  von Recklinghausen’s Disease (237.71) – The most common type of NF
2.  Acoustic (237.72) – Patients lose hearing
3. *New Schwannomatosis (237.73) – Patients have multiple Schwannoma-type tumors on the cranial, spinal and peripheral nerves, but do not lose hearing

Note: If the patient is diagnosed with NF, but it is not specific to these three types, use 237.79, Other Neurofibromatosis.

Body Mass Index

The diagnosis codes for reporting Body Mass Index (BMI) have been expanded, and code V85.4, body mass index 40.0 and over, was deleted.

Providers now have the ability to document a BMI that is greater than 40.0. The new
BMI codes include the following:
•    V85.41 – Body Mass Index 40.0-44.9, adult
•    V85.42 – Body Mass Index 45.0-49.9, adult
•    V85.43 – Body Mass Index 50.0-59.9, adult
•    V85.44 – Body Mass Index 60.0-69.9, adult
•    V85.45 – Body Mass Index 70 and over, adult

Aortic Ectasia

Four new diagnosis codes were created to describe aortic ectasia (the swelling and weakening
of the wall of the aorta). Providers must select the appropriate diagnosis code based on where the swelling or weakening of the aortic wall has occurred: unspecified (447.70), thoracic (447.71), abdominal (447.72), or thoracoabdominal (447.73).

Previously, the only diagnosis providers had to document these conditions was code 441.9, aortic aneurysm, unspecified. Unfortunately, these conditions are not really aneurysms, but conditions that may lead to an aneurysm over time. As of October 1, code 441.9 should only be used for documented aneurysms, not potential aneurysms.

Digestive System

A new diagnosis code, 560.32, Fecal Impaction, was created to document patients that require manual or surgical intervention due to fecal impaction. Previously, this condition would have been reported as 560.39, other impaction of intestine.
Code 787.6, incontinent feces, was deleted for this year, and replaced with the following four diagnosis codes:

•    787.60 – Full incontinence of feces
•    787.61 – Incomplete defecation
•    787.62 – Fecal smearing
•    787.63 – Fecal urgency