DME MAC A IVR User Guide – Using Touch-Tone Options

The IVR is programmed to allow for the entry of all data using touch-tone in the event the user is unable to
successfully speak to the IVR. These instructions detail how to use touch-tone to enter various types of
information requested by the IVR.

Note: Providers can switch between voice and touch-tone throughout the call (e.g., voice for Medicare number and touch-tone for beneficiary name); however, you cannot combine speech and touch-tone when providing a single element (e.g., voice for the numbers in a Medicare number and then touch-tone for suffix).

Using Touch-Tone for Alpha-Numeric Elements

When a single touch-tone entry contains alpha and numeric information (e.g., Medicare number) utilize the
following instructions.

Each button on the telephone keypad has a corresponding set of letters. Each letter is identified as a 1, 2, or 3 to indicate its position on that key.

Three keys are required to enter a letter.
Medicare number 155-55-5555W
The first nine digits of the Medicare number:

* (star key) to indicate that you are about to enter a letter
The key containing the letter W
The position of the letter on that key (1st position)
Note: For the letters Q and Z, assume they appear on the 1 key as shown.

Common Letter Navigation
Letter     Touch-Tone Entry
A                     *21
B                     *22
C                     *23
D                     *31
M                    *61
T                     *81
W                   *91
S                     *73
Q                    *11
Z                     *12

Using Touch-Tone for Beneficiary Names

The format for entering the beneficiary’s name is LAST NAME, FIRST INITIAL. Select the number key
that represents the letter you wish to enter. For example, to enter the name John Doe, press 3-6-3-5 (entered
as DOEJ). To enter the letters Q or Z, use the 1 key.