Notable Differences between the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs


  • Federal Government will implement (will be an option nationally)
  • Payment reduction begin in 2015 for providers that do not demonstrate Meaningful Use

  • Must demonstrate MU in year 1
  • Maximum incentive is $44,000 for EPs (10% bonus for EPs in HPSAs)
  • Meaningful Use definition is common for Medicare
  • Last year a provider may initiate program is 2014; Last year to register is 2016; Payment adjustments begin in 2015
  • Only physicians, subsection (d) hospitals and CAHsVoluntary for States to implement (may not be an option in every state)


  • Voluntary for States to implement (may not be an option in every state)

  • No Medicaid payment reductions
  • A/I/U option for 1st participation year
  • Maximum incentive is $63,750 for EPs
  • States can adopt certain additional requirements for Meaningful Use
  • Last year a provider may initiate program is 2016; Last year to register is 2016
  • 5 types of Eps, acute care hospitals (including CAHs) and children hospitals

Acronym Translation

A/I/U – Adopt, Implement or Upgrade

CAH – Critical Access Hospital

EHR – Electronic Health Record

EP – Eligible Professional

HPSA – Health Professional Shortage Area