Medicare hospice payments

Policy of Caps and Limitations on Hospice Payments    The statute requires that hospice payments be limited by an inpatient cap and by an aggregate cap. Medicare contractors make the cap calculations annually, after the end of the aggregate cap year, which...

What is hospice care services

Hospice care services There are many things about hospice care that set it apart from other types of health care. A team of professionals In most cases, an interdisciplinary health care team manages hospice care. This means that many interacting disciplines work...

What is hospice care?

What is hospice care? Hospice is a philosophy of care. The hospice philosophy or viewpoint accepts death as the final stage of life. The goal of hospice is to enable patients to continue an alert, pain-free life and to manage other symptoms so that their last days may...

What is Hospice

What is Hospice? Hospice is a term used to describe both a type of healthcare facility, and a type of healthcare. Hospice care, also known as palliative care, is care for the dying or terminally ill. Once all treatment options have been exhausted, a patient is placed...