Medicare payment calculation formula

The formula for calculating the payment schedule The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989 (OBRA 89) geographic adjustment provision requires all three components of the relative value for a service—physician work relative value units (RVUs), practice expense...

what is Relative value units (RVU)

Relative Value Units (RVUs)Resource-based practice expenses relative value units (RVUs) comprise the core of physician fees paid under Medicare Part B payment policies. The CMS provides carriers with the fee schedule RVUs for all services except the following:Those...

Medicare RVU OF – color Doppler CPT 93306

Relative Value Units1.New combined TTE/spectral Doppler/color Doppler (CPT 93306)CMS accepted the RUC’s recommendations for the work RVUs for both the new combined TTE/spectral Doppler/color Doppler code (93306). With respect to practice expense RVUs (PE-RVUs), CMS...


Resource Based Relative Value Scale (RBRVS) The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS, formerly HCFA) assigns each medical procedure a: 1) relative value reflecting the physician work involved in the service (work RVU), 2) relative value reflecting the...