
Fluvirin is used in fighting against influenza. It is for the patients above the age of 4 years. It is a strong vaccination and must not be used for younger patients. It triggers the production of  antibodies in the body that fight against the certain type of flu viruses. This helps the body in fighting the infection. The virus produced by the vaccination stimulates the immune system of the body and prepares the body to fight against the disease. It is the most suitable remedy for the influenza virus of subtype A and subtype B.

Fluvirin is a Vaccine Code. FLUVIRIN is coded using CPT codes 90656 and Q2037.

Influenza virus vaccine, split virus, when administered to individuals 3 years of age and older, for intramuscular use (Fluvirin).

Seasonal Influenza Virus Vaccine Administration Code to be used is G0008 Diagnosis Code Z23

Frequency of Administration – Once per influenza season Medicare may cover additional seasonal influenza virus vaccinations if medically necessary.

CPT CODE AND Description

Q2037 – Influenza virus vaccine, split virus, when administered to individuals 3 years of age and older, for intramuscular use (fluvirin)

90657 – Influenza virus vaccine, trivalent (IIV3), split virus, when administered to children 6-35 months of age, for intramuscular use


Seasonal Influenza Virus Vaccine
Administration Code: G0008
Diagnosis Code: V04.81


Once per influenza season in the fall or winter Medicare may cover additional seasonal influenza virus vaccinations if medically necessary

Before Vaccination

Fluvirin vaccination is kind of a complicated procedure. There are different medical conditions in which Fluvirin interacts differently. Here are some conditions in which you must consult a doctor before having a Fluvirin vaccination. Consultation is necessary if you

Have allergies from food, air or anything.
Have allergy from latex rubber
Are allergic to thimerosal
Have a sore throat, fever, respiratory tract disease
Have a severe bleeding problem
Have an immune system problem like HIV
Have recent cancer treatment
Have a recent neural treatment due to any cause
Take medicine for any other disease or even flu itself. They can be any herbal medicine or dietary supplement.
Are receiving any other therapy like chemotherapy or radiation treatment
Are pregnant or planning to be Usage

Doctor’s prescription is the most authentic piece of paper. Fluvirin is a case sensitive vaccination. So, a doctor that is thoroughly aware of your medical history must be knowing better how you should take it or if you should at all take it. Labels on the vaccine also give the exact dosing.

Vaccination is carried out once in a year, mostly during September to November.
It is common in children above four years of age. Sometimes children need to have more dosage. In such a situation, discuss about the child’s vaccination history with a doctor. Strictly follow the schedule of vaccination proposed by the doctor.
Fluvirin is injected into your body through your muscle in a doctor’s office. Consult your doctor if there are other place related issues.
Use Fluvirin in the best physical state. Do not take it if its syringe is broken or damaged. Do not use it if it is frozen, has particles, cloudy or has discolored.
Missing a dose if not something like a life threatening situation, but if it happens, you must consult a doctor immediately. Make an appointment and get your vaccination.

Safety precautions 

Fluvirin must be used after exercising all the possible safety precautions. It is kind of a complicated medicine, which must be used after prescription from a doctor; a doctor that must be knowing your complete medical background. Here are some general safety precautions that must be exercised properly.

Use of Fluvirin in pregnancy is not studied. There is no definite proof about the reaction of Fluvirin on reproduction capacities. If you are pregnant or planning to be, then you must consult your doctor for further help.

If you are having cold, fever, or respiratory tract disease, then you must be consulting your doctor prior to getting Fluvirin vaccination.

Fluvirin does not cure the influenza. It is given before the flu season to make you fight the disease. It will not make you sick, but may cause you feel some during the flu season.

Fluvirin is an ongoing process. It makes your immune system more addicted to it. Thus, one must get the vaccination every year.

Fluvirin protects the people that are exposed to influenza virus.

Tell your doctor before having any medical, dental or surgical treatment that you have had the Fluvirin vaccination

Fluvirin is not effective for all other respiratory infections. It has no effect on the bird flu.

Tell the doctor in case you have received any other vaccination recently, chemotherapy or radioactive treatments.

Tell the doctor if you are allergic to latex rubber. The tip cap of the medicine may be of latex rubber. Thus, you must consult your doctor before having a vaccination in this case.

Fluvirin’s effectiveness may decrease in aged patients. Thus the dose must be taken as prescribed by the doctor.


The dosage of the Fluvirin vaccination also varies with the age. Here is a detailed dosage instruction for age groups.

Children 4-17 years
Children need a twice dose of Fluvirin. Children aged nine years and older should receive a single 0.5-mL intramuscular injection.
Adults (17 years and older)

Adults must get a dosage of 0.5 ml. The vaccine must be injected into the gluteal part where may be a major nerve trunk. The needle of > equals to 1 must be used because when the needle is less than this, it finds Impossible to get to the nerve stacks of many adults.

Medicare Guidelines for CPT CODE 90657

CR8047 provides payment allowances for the following seasonal influenza virus vaccine codes when payment is based on 95 percent of the AWP (except for when payment is based on reasonable cost where the vaccine is furnished in a hospital outpatient department, a Rural Health Clinic, or a Federally Qualified Health Center):

** Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes 90654, 90655, 90656, 90657, 90660, and 90662; and

** Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) codes Q2034, Q2035, Q2036, Q2037, and Q2038.

Effective for dates of service on or after August 1, 2012, the Medicare Part B payment allowance for:

** CPT 90655 is $16.456
** CPT 90656 is $12.398
** CPT 90657 is $6.023
** HCPCS Q2035 (Afluria®) is $11.543
** HCPCS Q2036 (Flulaval®) is $9.833
** HCPCS Q2037 (Fluvirin®) is $14.051
** HCPCS Q2038 (Fluzone®) is $12.046

Influenza Vaccine Codes

90654, 90655, 90656, 90657, 90658, 90660, 90661, 90662 90664, 90672, 90673, 90685, 90687, 90686 90688

** Use the proper CPT or HCPCS code based on the vaccine type administered.
** For state-supplied vaccine, bill the CPT code.
** For non-state-supplied vaccine, bill the CPT code and append the -22 modifier.

Note: Please do not report the HCPCS II Q2034-2039. Do not report the Q code in addition to the CPT code (only one or the other can be reported)

NDC Code and Flu Season for Fluvirin

66521-118-02 (carton with 10x single dose LL-PFS) 2015-2016
66521-118-12 (PFS) 2015-2016
66521-118-10 (carton with 10 doses/1 MDV) 2015-2016
66521-118-11 (vial) 2015-2016

Side effects

Like all the medicines, Fluvirin also has some side effects that vary from person to person. Consulting your doctor is a very good practice before getting your Fluvirin vaccination. Here are some side effects that are experienced by some users.

Back pain, cough, body discomfort and weakness, headache, mild fever, bruising, swelling, redness of the skin. Tenderness in the injected part, nausea, muscles or joint pain, and tiredness are some of the most common side effects of the medicine. These are some of the mild side effects that occur from Fluvirin vaccination. But there are some severe reactions that must be addressed by the doctor on an immediate basis.

** Extreme allergic reactions (hives, rash, difficulty breathing,  itching, swelling of the mouth, throat, face, lips, or tongue, unusual hoarseness, wheezing),
** Numbness, tingling,  or burning, confusion
** Reduced mobility of the muscles of the face
** Decreased sensation or movement in the shoulder or arm
** Dizziness
** Fainting
** Loss of appetite
** Muscle weakness
** Swollen, red, peeling skin, or blistered
** Seizures
** Persistent or severe headache or fever
** Vision changes
** Vomiting
These are some life threatening situations that must be informed to a medical emergency and ambulance. You should contact your doctor too, if you come across such a situation.